Design Patterns: Command

Alex Alves
3 min readApr 8, 2021

It is a behavioral project pattern that transform a order to an independent object that contains all the necessary information.


  • Command: The own command, that contains the instructions and references.
  • Receiver: The thing that the command will execute.
  • Invoker: Responsible to execute the commands.
  • Client: The beginning of all. It decides what command will execute.

An important observation is that the command has all the data to process the request.


I will not do specifics implementations like ClientRepository. Instead of this, I will just use the interface.

Commands Implementation

First we need to create the interface ICommand, which will contain all the methods that we will need:

public interface ICommand
void Execute();
bool CanExecute(); void Undo();

Note that we have three methods:

  • Execute(): to execute, in fact, the command
  • CanExecute(): some condition that we consider necessary to execute the command
  • Undo(): like rollback to the command

Next, let’s create a Command Manager, it will responsible to invoke all the commands that we will pass for it:

public class CommandManager
private Stack<ICommand> commands = new Stack<ICommand>();
public void Invoke(ICommand command)
if (command.CanExecute())
public void Undo()
while(commands.Count > 0)
var command = commands.Pop();

And finally, a specific command:

public class AddClientCommand : ICommand
private readonly IClientRepository _clientRepository;
private readonly Client _client;
public AddClientCommand(IClientRepository clientRepository, Client client) =>
(_clientRepository, _client) = (clientRepository, client);
public bool CanExecute()
if (_client == null)
return false;
return _clientRepository.GetClient(_client.Id) == null;
public void Execute()
if (_client == null)
public void Undo()
if (_client == null)

Well, this command is responsible to insert/create a client in our data store, like its name already show. Let’s analyze this code:

  1. We receive, by constructor, all we need:
    1.1 The repository (IClientRepository), that we use to do some operation in the datastore
    1.2 And the Client object that we will use to do something
  2. The CanExecute() method: we inform that the condition to create a client is if this client does not exists.
  3. The Execute() method: we just verify if the client object is not null and create it.
  4. The Undo() method: it is a rollback method. So, in this case, we just exclude that client we created.

The execution

We pass the responsibility to create the client for another part of our project, let’s see how can we call the commands for this:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IClientRepository clientRepository = default;
Client client = default;

var addClientCommand = new AddClientCommand(clientRepository, client);

var manager = new CommandManager();

// ... do something

  • First, we instantiate our Client Command, passing the repository and the object.
  • The AddClientCommand is of the ICommand type, so we can pass it to our CommandManager, to execute the command.
  • Finally, if we need to undo our process we can call the Undo() method, of the CommandManager

Case Study 🤔
This is very useful too if we work with an online store. For example, in the online store we can add many items to a cart, right? So, we can make many commands to do the add item in cart operation. And, if in a moment we can empty this cart, we just call the Undo method.

The ICommand interface, that we built, already exists natively. You just call the System.Windows.Input. You can use it too


  • Allow you to make a separate responsibilities.
  • Make your application more robust.
  • Pay attention for you do not to put unnecessary complexity.



Alex Alves

Bachelor in Computer Science, MBA in Software Architecture and .NET Developer.