An Overview of Distributed Programming and SystemsA simple way to define/describe is the same system can be executed in many environments, where you can distribute the execution/process of…Jan 26, 2024Jan 26, 2024
Maximizing Observability and Monitoring with DatadogWhen we talk about observability and monitoring, we talk about the capacity to understand the internal state of a system. This means the…Oct 30, 20231Oct 30, 20231
Padrão de Projeto DecoratorÉ um padrão estrutural, o qual permite que um objeto seja modificado, dinamicamente, com novos comportamentos sem alterar o comportamento…Sep 18, 2023Sep 18, 2023
Message Types in Domain-Driven DesignBefore we start to talk about message types, let’s talk about what is a message.Jan 2, 2023Jan 2, 2023
Modeling your Domain with Event Storming workshopEvent Storming is a technique that helps us to see our business from another optical. Well, I want to say that Event Storming shows us a…Dec 27, 2022Dec 27, 2022
Design Patterns: SingletonThis is a creation pattern, that guarantees only one object instance while the life cycle project.Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
Design Patterns: CommandIt is a behavioral project pattern that transform a order to an independent object that contains all the necessary information.Apr 8, 20211Apr 8, 20211
Design Patterns: Null ObjectWell, let’s start from the beginning! Sir Tony Hoare is who created the null reference, in 1965. Unitl now, Null checks is completly a…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021